Table of Contents

<defects> Element (for line)

This element defines the master defect and repair hierarchy for units on this line. Defects and repairs are specified in a hierarchical fashion, where each item can contain a list of child items.

Parent Elements



Name Type Description Required
alarmDefectRate float The default defect rate at which an alarm will be generated. This is a floating-point percentage from 0 to 100, where 0 disables defect alarms, or a higher value indicates the rate at or above which the alarm would be issued. This default value can be overridden for particular defects or groups of defects. Yes
alarmUnitCountWindow integer The number of units used when determining defect rates via a sliding window. A value of 0 disables defect alarms. Note that the same unit count window size is used for all defects. Yes
associatedBuyoffs string A comma-separated list of buyoff names specifying which buyoffs are associated with defects. The associated buyoff(s) cannot be set when any associated defects are open. When a defect is added, any associated buyoffs that were previously set will be cleared. No

Child Elements

Name Description Required
defect Adds a defect level. There can be any number of these elements. No
repairs Sets the repair hierarchy that defines the default list of repairs presented for the operator to choose from marking a defect as repaired. This can be overridden by defects lower in the hierarchy. No