Table of Contents

<workers> Element

This element contains settings related to worker logons. These settings apply to every station on the line.

Parent Elements



Name Type Description Required
allowTypedBadgeNumber boolean Whether to allow the badge number to be typed. When the badge number is being prompted for, this controls whether a "Type" button will be visible, allowing it to be typed instead of scanned. No (defaults to false)
requireBadgeNumber boolean Whether to require the worker badge number to be scanned or typed when a worker logs on at a station. No (defaults to false)
requirePassword boolean Whether to require the worker password to be typed when a worker logs on at a station. No (defaults to false)

Child Elements



When Acuit Pinpoint Workstation prompts for a worker to log on, it will prompt for a badge number and/or a password, depending on these settings. The settings will cause behavior as follows:

requireBadgeNumber requirePassword Behavior
false false The worker logon prompt will ask for the badge number to be scanned or typed, or the password to be typed. Only one or the other is used to log on. This is the default behavior.
true false The worker logon prompt will only ask for the badge number to be scanned or typed.
false true The worker logon prompt will only ask for the password to be typed.
true true The worker logon prompt will ask for the badge number to be scanned or typed, and the password to be typed. Both are required to log on.

Note that setting both of these attributes to false will not eliminate the worker logon prompt. To eliminate the worker logon prompt completely, use the autoLogOnBadgeNumber station type setting to automatically log a worker on.

When this element does not exist, the worker logon settings defaults are as described in the above "Attributes" table.