Table of Contents

Workflow Section

These settings define a custom workflow (e.g., a workflow event handler or a test workflow).

  • Parent Sections
  • Full Section Key Path Examples
    • Workstation:Testing:TestTypes:0:Workflow
    • Workstation:Testing:TestTypes:1:Workflow
    • Workstation:Workflows:EventHandlers:0:Workflow
    • Workstation:Workflows:EventHandlers:1:Workflow
Key Value Type Default Value Description
Parameters section An optional section containing workflow parameters.
ParametersOverride section An optional section containing workflow parameters that override all others, including unit-specific parameters from unit parameters tables.
ConfigurationSectionName string The optional name of a separate configuration section containing workflow parameters.
UnitParametersTables collection of UnitParametersTable Section empty The collection of tables that provide unit-specific workflow parameters.
WorkflowFile string The file name containing the workflow definition. This can either be an absolute path to a XAML file, a relative path to a file within the WorkflowPackageFile zip file, or a path that starts with {plugIns}\\PLUGINNAME\\ to reference a XAML file within a plug-in zip file (PLUGINNAME should be the name of the plug-in zip file, without any folder or extension, and optionally with wildcard(s); see the example below). If not specified, "Workflow.xaml" will be used if that file exists within the WorkflowPackageFile zip file.
WorkflowPackageFile string The workflow package file containing XAML and other referenced files. This is optional. If set, it contains the full path to a zip file that contains files making up this workflow.
WorkflowXaml string The workflow definition. This should be set to the workflow XAML itself, allowing the workflow to be completely defined within the line configuration XML.

Configuration like the following can be used to specify a workflow that is included in a plug-in distribution package:

<setting name="Workstation">
  <setting name="PlugIns:0" value="C:\ProgramData\Acuit Pinpoint\Acuit.Pinpoint.Server\PlugIns\" />
  <setting name="Testing:TestTypes:0">
   <setting name="TestTypeName" value="Vision Check" />
   <setting name="Workflow">
    <setting name="WorkflowFile" value="{plugIns}\Acuit.Pinpoint.KeyenceVisionPlugIn.*\TestWorkflow.xaml" />
<setting name="Acuit.Pinpoint.KeyenceVision:Sensors:0:Host" value="" />

See Workflow Events and Test Workflows for details about parameter value source precedence.