Table of Contents

Workstation Section

These settings are used by Acuit Pinpoint Workstation.

  • Parent Sections
    • None
  • Full Section Key Path
    • Workstation
Key Value Type Default Value Description
BarCodeScanning BarCodeScanning Section n/a Settings for bar code scanning.
HealthChecks HealthChecks Section n/a Settings for the health checks system, which displays application health problems at the bottom of the Acuit Pinpoint Workstation screen.
LabelPrinting LabelPrinting Section n/a Settings for label printing.
Notifications Notifications Section n/a Settings for station notifications.
PlugIns collection of strings empty The collection of plug-ins to be loaded. Each value can either reference the full path of a zip archive containing the plug-in assembly along with all dependencies, or the full path to a plug-in assembly file. Paths can include environment variables quoted with the percent sign character (%). See File References for information about how workstation plug-ins can be completely configured via the line configuration on the server.
Testing Testing Section n/a Settings for testing.
Server Server Section n/a Settings for the Acuit Pinpoint Server connection.
Workflows Workflows Section n/a Settings for custom workstation workflows. (Version 6.229 or later)

Reference Settings

The following settings are also available, but for reference only by workstation plug-ins. Any value set will be ignored by Acuit Pinpoint Workstation.

Key Value Type Default Value Description
LineName string The line name.
RunAs32Bit boolean Whether Acuit Pinpoint Workstation should run as a 32-bit application.
ServerAddress string The Acuit Pinpoint Server address.
StartupLocation string The Acuit Pinpoint Workstation main window startup location.
StationName string The station name.
StationTypeName string The station type name.
TestLabelPlaceholders string Test placeholder values for testing label printing.
UICultureName string The user interface culture name. This will be something like "" to use the Windows setting, "en" for English, or "es" for Spanish.
UIScalingFactor float The UI scaling factor.
UseComputerName boolean Whether to use the computer name as the station name.
ViewFullScreen boolean Whether to make the Acuit Pinpoint Workstation main window full screen.