Namespace Acuit.Pinpoint.Common.Validation
- CollectionNotEmptyAttribute
Specify that a collection member must not be empty.
- CompareToAttribute
Used for specifying a compare-to validation constraint.
- GreaterThanAttribute
Used for specifying a greater-than validation constraint.
- GreaterThanOrEqualToAttribute
Used for specifying a greater-than validation constraint.
- LessThanAttribute
Used for specifying a greater-than validation constraint.
- LessThanOrEqualToAttribute
Used for specifying a greater-than validation constraint.
- RecursiveValidator
Defines a helper class that can be used to validate options using data annotation attributes.
- RequiredAllowWhitespaceAttribute
Specifies that a data field value is required.
- WildcardExpressionAttribute
Specify that a member must validate as a valid wildcard expression.