Namespace Acuit.Pinpoint.Common
- AssemblyAttributes
A helper class for accessing assembly attributes for an assembly.
- ChangeWatch
A class for watching for various kinds of changes, especially for determining when configuration should be reread from changed configuration files.
- CsvColumnAttribute
An attribute used to map public properties in strongly-typed object classes to columns in CSV files.
- CsvException
A comma-separated values file parsing error.
- CsvReader
A class for reading comma-separated values data from a stream.
- CultureHelpers
Culture helper methods.
- EntryAssemblyAttributes
A helper class for accessing assembly attributes for the entry assembly.
- LocalPaths
Helper methods for getting standard data file paths.
- ModelValidationHelper
Helper methods for validation.
- NumberHelpers
Helper methods for dealing with model and serial numbers.
- PathExtensions
Extensions to the System.IO.Path class.
- SafeFileWriter
A helper for writing a file in a reliable way.
- WildcardPattern
Represents a wildcard pattern that can be used to match strings.