Namespace Acuit.Pinpoint.Workflows
- ActivityContext
The context available to an activity during its execution.
- ExtendedServiceProvider
A service provider that extends an inherited service provider.
- IServiceProviderExtensions
Extension methods for IServiceProvider.
- SingleServiceProvider
A service provider that provides a single service.
- SingleServiceProvider<T>
A service provider that provides a single service.
- ValueSource
The base class for a value source.
- ValueSourceTypeConverter
A type converter for converting strings to ValueSource or ValueSource<T>.
- ValueSource<T>
An workflow value source.
- Workflow
Provides a WorkflowSource that loads workflows from various sources.
- WorkflowDataContext
A class used to exchange data with the world outside of the workflow (e.g., WPF), as inputs to the workflow, bindable data while a workflow is executing, and outputs from the workflow.
- WorkflowException
The exception that is thrown when a workflow error occurs.
- WorkflowHost
Provides a host for a single instance of a workflow. Hosts provide access to the workflow data context and the ability to raise workflow events.
- WorkflowInvoker
Provides static methods for invoking workflows.
- WorkflowSource
Represents a workflow.
- WorkflowSourceConverter
Converts a WorkflowSource to and from other data types.
- WorkflowXamlServices
Provides services (static methods) for loading workflows from XAML.
- IVariablesStorage
A workflow variables storage container.
- WorkflowEventHandler<TEvent>
A workflow event bus event handler delegate.