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Acuit Pinpoint 5 Change History


See Acuit Pinpoint 6 Change History - 2013-01-28


  • Added "singleScan" component type setting to allow both a component model number and component serial number to be extracted from a single bar code scan.
  • Added the "noScan" setting to the station type configuration to allow configuring a station type that does not scan either units or subassemblies.
  • Fixed problem where view units would not work when any databases were offline due to incompatible schemas.
  • Added intermediate sequence checks.
  • Fixed bug that causes internal error when .NET 4, but not .NET 4.5, is installed.
  • Fixed "The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter :settings. The InnerException message was 'There was an error deserializing the object of type System.String. The maximum string content length quota (8192) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader.'" error when trying to save line configuration from the Advanced config tab.
  • Added information about uploading production schedules to admin manual.


  • DATABASE SCHEMA CHANGE: This version requires an update to the Pinpoint database schema (the database schema number changed to 5.12).
  • Added "Data" column to unit tests database table to allow custom test data to be stored via XML without requiring plug-ins to add custom tables or columns to the Pinpoint database.


  • Fixed situation where the cursor would be set to a wait cursor when the UnitReadyForOperator event was raised (which could cause problems for plug-ins).
  • Now multiple workstation errors are displayed via a single message box on manned workstations upon unit scans and releases.


  • Added "Units On Line" report.

Server Plug-in API

  • Added "IsProduced" property to "State" entity class.
  • Added LocalPaths class.

Workstation Plug-in API

  • Now upon shutdown, the MEF composition container is disposed, which will cause MEF parts whose lifetimes are managed by the container to be disposed. This is so that plug-ins can depend on this behavior to dispose of resources.
  • Added "AddTestResult2" API.
  • Added "IsProduced" property to "State" entity class.
  • Added UnitStation property to IWorkstationService.
  • Improved documentation of UI regions.
  • Created a no-scan view with a "NoScanPlugInRegion" region allowing plug-ins to register views for it.
  • If a plug-in provides a view named "NoScanViewReplace", it will replace the default no-scan view.
  • Added WorkerLoggedOn and UnitScanning events to the IWorkstationService interface.
  • Added PinpointServerAddress property and ShowAlarm and ShowAlert methods to IWorkstationService interface.
  • Added LocalPaths class.

Reporting Utility

  • Added download function.
  • Added -t test mode to allow testing a report upload sequence, outputing the report definitions that would be uploaded, without actually changing anything on the report server.
  • Now when an output directory is specified during an upload sequence, folders are created for each line, with copies of the report files saved customized for each line.
  • Now when downloading reports, if a definition cannot be read, an error message is printed but downloading continues.
  • Fixed bug that causes crash when .NET 4, but not .NET 4.5, is installed. - 2012-11-26


  • New installer, as a standalone executable.
  • Removed CreateDatabaseObjects.sql from distribution disc image.
  • Removed worker configuration function from Silverlight configuration application, in preparation for replacing with a regular web-based worker configuration function.
  • Fixed bug that caused About page to not cause an internal error.
  • Fixed bug where some files were not getting installed.


  • Acuit Pinpoint Web is no longer considered a separate component of the Acuit Pinpoint system, but rather is an integral part of Acuit Pinpoint Server. The web site is now simply called "Acuit Pinpoint" and is installed to a "Web" subdirectory under Acuit Pinpoint Server's installation directory.


  • New installer, as a standalone executable.

General Plug-in API

  • Added an ExceptionLogger.LogException overload allowing additional details to be logged.

Workstation Plug-in API

  • Now Workstation plug-in DLLs can exist outside of the PlugIns folder, referenced by the PlugIns/References.txt file.
  • Added a new region to allow plug-ins to add user interface elements directly under the buyoff buttons on manned workstations.
  • Added UnitReadyForOperator event.
  • Added SetBuyoff and ClearBuyoff methods.
  • Added AddRepair method.
  • Added ITouchUserInterfaceService, with GetKeypadInput method.

Run Test Plug-in

  • Removed obsolete files from RunTest\Web folder in setup files. - 2012-08-05


  • Now the state "IsProduced" column in database is set properly so reports will work without requiring manually setting it.


  • Now reports are uploaded to Report Server in folders for each line, using shared data sources and preconfigured parameters so that all reports are configured to work directly from the Report Server pages (i.e., they don't need to be accessed from Pinpoint Web).


  • Added more reports: Boxout Report, Component Report, Defective Units, Models Produced, Units With No Data.


  • DATABASE SCHEMA CHANGE: This version requires an update to the Pinpoint database schema (the database schema number changed from 5.10 to 5.11).
  • Fixed bug in UnitStates view that caused units from other lines to be included in the query when they have the exact same transition date/time. - 2012-07-18


  • Now reports use Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services. The old custom reporting system, including the Web plug-ins interface, was removed.


  • DATABASE SCHEMA CHANGE: This version requires an update to the Pinpoint database schema (the database schema number changed from 5.9 to 5.10).
  • Added IsProduced column to States table to make certain reporting queries possible without requiring additional information from the line configuration.
  • Added LatestUnitBuyoffs and UnitStates views to make reporting queries easier. - 2012-05-28

Run Test Plug-in

  • Added TestSideOrder line plug-in setting, which allows specifying a test side order that applies to all models, regardless of the order in the configuration file. - 2012-05-25


  • Fixed problem where production counts displayed on automated workstations (i.e., boxout stations) were showing the number of units scanned anywhere on the line instead of just units scanned at final-check stations, which would cause the faults count to be too high.
  • Now when a component type does not apply to a scanned unit, "Does not apply to this unit." is displayed next to the component line.


  • Fixed problem where component scan tester tool doesn't populate component types list after selecting a line. Also added error message if retrieving the component parts for the newly-selected line fails.

Production Monitor

  • Slightly improved performance of status updates.

Run Test Plug-in

  • Added PowerOffAfterLastSide plug-in setting that controls whether power is automatically turned off after the last side's data is accepted. This fixes the enhancement added in version 5.1 that caused this behavior all of the time; which is a non-backwards-compatible change from previous versions. Now the default is no change in behavior; the new behavior must be opted-in via this setting.
  • Added RetainRunTestFileSideOrder line plug-in setting that instructs Pinpoint to retain the side order in the run test parameters file (instead of always sorting into Cool1, Cool2, Heat1, Heat2 order).
  • Changed sample run test configuration files to use generic model numbers. - 2012-05-23


  • Fixed a number of incorrect Spanish translations.
  • Error logs that were previously stored in the shared application folder are now stored in the public documents folder (for all users), to make it easier to find the error files. (This affects Server Console, Workstation, and Run Test workstation plug-in.)


  • Now exported CSV reports use readable header names instead of property names for the header row.

Run Test Plug-in

  • Now when values for a side are accepted, if a new side isn't made active (i.e., it was the last side), test power is turned off. This is for an added measure of safety.
  • Changed run test report to export CSV with various side values all on same row.

Plug-in API

  • BREAKING CHANGE: The ReportDataField class in Acuit.Pinpoint.Web.Interfaces has changed. However, since this interface was previously undocumented and only used by the RunTest web plug-in, as long as the RunTest web plug-in is updated at the same time, no other external clients will be affected. - 2012-03-25


  • Added "Export to CSV" link to reports, which saves the report dataset as a CSV file.
  • Corrected report heading that said "WorkerNumber" without a space.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed web plug-in interface. - 2012-03-16


  • POTENTIAL BREAKING CONFIGURATION CHANGE: Increased the minimum SQL Server version requirement from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005.


  • Fixed bug that caused a crash when viewing certain reports while using a version of SQL Server below 2008. - 2012-03-16


  • Now installers don't ask about typical vs. complete installations.


  • DATABASE SCHEMA CHANGE: This version requires an update to the Pinpoint database schema (the database schema number changed from 5.8 to 5.9).
  • Added FullDefectNames and FullRepairNames views to make reporting queries easier.


  • Added built-in reports, with these initial reports: Active Workers, Defective Units by Buyoff.
  • Added facility for web plug-ins, initially to support custom reports.

Run Test Plug-in

  • Added a Pinpoint Web plug-in to add this report: Unit Run Test By Model/Temperature.
  • Slight fix to admin manual. - 2011-12-07


  • Added support for model information files, configurable per station type and accessible from a new button after scanning a unit at a workstation. - 2011-12-03

Run Test Plug-in

  • Now readings can't be accepted if the power is off or the run voltage hasn't been set.
  • Added AllowManualEntry server plug-in setting (defaulting to false) that controls whether the "Manual Entry" button is visible at the workstation. - 2011-12-01

Plug-in API

  • Added AddDefect method to IWorkstationService interface for workstation plug-ins.

Run Test Plug-in

  • Now power is turned off when an active test is saved or canceled, and when a unit is released.
  • Fixed bug where some values in the test history window showed a class name instead of values.
  • Fixed bug in server plug-in that would cause a crash when test results for other test types are submitted.
  • Added countdown timer to active test display.
  • Now Configure Run Tester window validates the entries.
  • Added IRunTestService service that other plug-ins can use to integrate with the run test process.
  • Now workstation plug-in view has a "ViewSortHint" of 50 to allow other plug-ins to control their relative location.
  • Changed plug-in module name, adding namespace, since MEF uses class name without namespace as default module name, which can cause duplicate module names. - 2011-11-29

Plug-in API

  • Added UnitReleasing event to workstation plug-in interface, which allows plug-in to abort unit release process.

Run Test Plug-in

  • Initial release of Acuit Pinpoint Run Tester plug-in. - 2011-11-03


  • Admin Manual: Added missing documentation for "isProduced" setting.


  • Fixed problem where Configure Local Hardware dialog didn't allow editing anything (barcode scanners and light stacks were disabled). Also made many of the setting names more readable. - 2011-10-28


  • Fixed bug that preventing installation of Acuit Pinpoint Web on Windows 2008. If an installer log is generated, it will include this error: ConfigureIIs7Exec: Error 0x80070057: Invalid web address. Port was not separated by a colon. - 2011-10-27


  • Changed the background color for all application dialog boxes from the "control background" color (gray) to the "window background" color (white) to be more consistent with the latest UI conventions.
  • Added and updated Spanish translations throughout (including adding to Production Monitor).


  • Fixed bug where the manned unit display didn't update with station setting changes when reconnecting to server.

Plug-in API

  • Added Wizard, WizardPage, and CommandLink controls, available for use by workstation plug-ins.
  • Now when ChangeWatch.WatchFileName is changed, it will immediately trigger IsChanged.
  • Added CsvColumnAttribute.TreatBlankAsNull to allow blank fields to be treated as null (e.g., instead of as empty string for string columns).
  • CsvReader now always produces an error when a field is missing on a line.
  • CsvReader now supports nullable column types. - 2011-09-11


  • POTENTIAL BREAKING CONFIGURATION CHANGE: Changed the way component verification determines what component types apply to what units. If no unit model or serial number pattern is specified for a component type, Pinpoint will use the component's parts list to determine whether the component type applies to a particular unit. If any of the parts in the list apply to the unit, the component type is deemed to apply.
  • Now can optionally configure model/serial number patterns using simple wildcards instead of regular expressions.
  • Added forceSerialNumberUppercase and forceModelNumberUppercase settings to <barCode> and <componentType> elements to allow scanned model and serial numbers to always be forced to uppercase.
  • Now custom queries for component parts list can specify a data provider name via the providerName attribute and a connection string via the connectionString attribute.
  • Added "refreshMinutes" and "refreshWatchFile" settings to parts list configuration, to control how often the query is executed to refresh the parts list.
  • Admin Manual: Improved instructions in "creating new lines" section.
  • Admin Manual: Expanded the parts list section providing more samples for retrieving parts lists from various external files on various systems.


  • Component scan tester tool no longer strips ^, $, \A, \Z, and (?i) from patterns in the detailed listing.
  • Improvements to the details listed for the Component Scan Tester tool.
  • Now when configuring advanced line configuration, if a plug-in error or custom query error occurs, all details are included in the displayed error, including nested error messages.
  • Now bad regular expression patterns in parts lists will cause an appropriate error message to be displayed while configuring a line.


  • Added some missing Spanish translations.

Plug-in API

  • Changed the way CsvReader.Read handles file sharing when reading CSV files. When plug-ins use that method to read configuration files, if Excel or some other application has the file open for writing, CsvReader.Read would fail even though the other application allows other applications to open the file for reading. Now the read will succeed. Note that this introduces the slight chance that the other application is writing to the file at the same time that the plug-in is reading the file, resulting in garbled data. - 2011-09-06


  • Fixed bug that causes a server error whenever a test result is submitted by a workstation. - 2011-09-05


  • Now unit tests are checked during final check, and units are transitioned properly when a new failed test result causes a unit to fail final check.
  • Now final check won't fail units when a bad component scan has been overridden.
  • Added "checkInstalledOnly" component type setting that indicates that the component should prompt the operator for yes/no whether the component is installed instead of prompting for component number scan(s).
  • Added "associatedBuyoffs" setting for component types to line configuration.
  • Won't allow setting a buyoff if an associated component type is invalid.
  • Now when a buyoff isn't allowed because of associated problems, details about the associated problems are included in the error message.
  • The final check message for component verification no longer distinguishes between "missing" and "invalid" components; it always says "invalid".
  • Now when a component is scanned as invalid, any associated buyoffs are cleared.
  • Added "associatedBuyoffs" setting to <test> item in line configuration to allow associating buyoffs with test results.
  • Now station type configuration under the <componentVerification> element can specify components as a list of <componentType> elements. The "componentTypeNames" attribute is still supported for backwards compatibility.
  • Station type configuration can now indicate that a component type should not automatically be prompted for scan upon a unit scan via the "promptAtUnitScan" attribute.
  • Added "requiredNewComponentScans" setting that requires new component scan at the station before allowing a buyoff.
  • Now can configure component serial number patterns in component verification parts lists via the new "componentSerialNumPattern" setting.
  • Now componentModelNumPattern is optional.
  • Now can omit columns from custom component parts list queries.
  • Added "scanComponentModel" setting to component type configuration that allows configuring a component type to scan component serial numbers, but not component model numbers.
  • Added "uniqueSerialNumbers" setting to component type configuration that can be used to ensure component serial numbers are unique.


  • Made some improvements to the steps listed by the component scan tester tool.

Production Monitor & Configuration

  • Internationalized; now will use language setting from Web (with only a few Spanish translations initially).
  • Improved unhandler error display to include more error details (especially when can't navigate to page).


  • Made Spanish UI consistent with English UI where components are listed: now component type name appears to the left. This is necessary because some future components might not prompt for component model numbers.
  • Fixed problem where it was possible for the component scan order to be wrong (used order of components listed in types that apply to scan unit instead of order specified by station settings).


  • DATABASE SCHEMA CHANGE: This version requires an update to the Pinpoint database schema (the database schema number changed from 5.7 to 5.8). Custom reports should be checked for effects due to these changes.
  • Made ModelNumber column in UnitComponents table nullable, to support components that only have serial numbers or components that are only indicated installed. - 2011-06-30


  • Now clicking the Configure link for a line causes the configuration application to launch in a new browser window.
  • Removed Exit button from configuration application menu.
  • Removed Lines item from Admin sub-menu.
  • Added unit tests and overrides to view unit history page.
  • Custom test data is now displayed on view unit history pages.


  • Now can set view scaling factor via the View, Scaling menu command.
  • Added tests and overrides to Unit Information display.
  • Moved "Release" button from button of display to under buyoff buttons to make more efficient use of space.
  • Fixed problem where defect list wasn't scrolling back to the left-most page when moving up and down the tree or when a new unit is scanned.
  • Added Tools, Debug menu, only visible when Shift is pressed.

Plug-in API

  • Added IsVisible and IsSubmenuOpen properties, and SubmenuOpened event to MenuItemViewModel (usable by menu items added by plug-ins).
  • Now plug-ins can register a ICustomTestData service that allows it to augment UnitTest entities with custom test data that the plug-in manages. - 2011-06-18


  • Fixed bug where scanning subassemblies would cause an unhandled exception on the server of type System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


  • Now a Workstation32.exe executable is available that runs as a 32-bit executable, allowing use of 32-bit drivers (i.e., from workstation plug-ins).
  • Added separator between configuration and language items on Tools menu.

Plug-in API

  • Added ability to add items to the main menu of Acuit Pinpoint Workstation.
  • Added EnqueueTypedNumber method to IWorkstationService for plug-ins.
  • Added UnitScanButtonRegion Prism region to allow augmenting the unit scan dialog. - 2011-06-06


  • POTENTIAL BREAKING CONFIGURATION CHANGE: Within the line configuration, any references to worker id 0 must be changed (e.g., the autoLogOnWorkerId setting for station types). If there was previously a worker with an id of 0 in the database, the database upgrade process will change that id to the next available id number. The line configuration must be manually updated to reflect the new id.
  • Now worker badge number is shown in unit information instead of worker id's (since worker id is now auto-assigned by database).
  • Now can configure unitSerialNumPattern setting for buyoffs (to be consistent with component types and tests).
  • Now test types can be configured in line configuration.
  • Add ability to override failed unit tests.


  • Fixed a problem where a line could be left partially initialized when a line configuration error occurs.
  • Fixed a potential problem where a line configuration problem would only be reported once.
  • Now if a database isn't available for some reason (e.g., is offline or needs to be upgraded), Pinpoint will continue to operate normally with the lines in the other databases.
  • Fixed bug where when a line configuration contains no component verification settings, scanning a unit at a station configured for final check will cause a server error.
  • Fixed bug where an internal error would occur when an older Workstation client tries to scan a unit.


  • Now lines are sorted by name in the Admin/Lines page.
  • Added Silverlight-based XML line configuration editor.
  • Added new "Configuration" web user group to allow specifying who can configure individual lines.
  • Added database upgrade feature.
  • Now if a problem exists with one or more databases, a warning is shown on the main Admin page.
  • Now can edit workers by clicking the "workers" tab.


  • Now when a textbox receives focus, all existing text in the textbox is selected.
  • Now keypad windows open with text box having focus.
  • Now password entry box uses dot instead of "*".
  • Fixed issues where could set keyboard focus to various regions in the UI improperly.

Plug-in API

  • Created new server plug-in interface that provides events to which plug-ins can attach.
  • Now server plug-ins are loaded and initialized when line configuration is saved; if any problems occur, an error is reported and the new line configuration is not saved.
  • Now server plug-in configuration can set plug-in properties that are enumeration types.
  • Added basic support for workstation plug-ins. Currently, plug-ins can initialize and add views to the UI, but can't otherwise interact with Pinpoint Workstation.


  • DATABASE SCHEMA CHANGE: This version requires an update to the Pinpoint database schema (the database schema number changed from 5.6 to 5.7). Custom reports should be checked for effects due to these changes.
  • Made the WorkerId column in the Workers table an IDENTITY column.
  • If an existing worker has a WorkerId of 0, the automatic upgrade process will change it to the next available non-zero value.
  • Added new TestTypes, UnitTests, Overrides, UnitComponentOverrides, and UnitTestOverrides tables.
  • Added the ModelNumberAlias column to the Units table.
  • Added a unique constraint to the Name column in the BuyOffs table.
  • Dropped the GetShiftProduction and GetUnitState stored procedures (but they aren't removed by the automatic upgrade process in case they're referenced by custom reports or stored procedures). - 2011-04-07


  • Fixed problem where stations configured as manned stations and also to perform unit final checks were only performing the final check when the unit is scanned and not when the unit is released, which could allow a transition configured to occur on unit release to occur even though the unit fails final check.
  • Updated Spanish translations. - 2011-03-31

Production Monitor

  • Added support for running outside the browser.
  • Added version and copyright to Settings page.


  • Fixed bug: When rescanning component that was previously scanned, the following error occurs: System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one matching element. - 2011-03-29


  • In the line configuration, now a workflow state should be flagged with isProduced="true" to indicate that it is the state that a unit goes into once it is considered produced. For backwards-compatibility, if no state has the "isProduced" setting, Pinpoint will look for a state to which a transition named "Boxout" targets and assume that state is the "isProduced" state.
  • Now "# inspected" displayed at automated workstations reflects the number of unique units that were scanned anywhere on the line during the shift, and "# produced" reflects the number of unique units transitioned into the "produced" state on this line during the shift.


  • Fixed bug: An exception (System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.) can occur when multiple requests come in at the same time for a line after startup.

Production Monitor

  • Added Production Monitor, including defect alarm tracking. - 2011-03-09


  • Added new alert condition, UnitScannedBeforeSameStationType, which causes an alert when a unit has previously been scanned at a station of the same type.
  • Added BuyoffNotSet alert condition to allow showing an alert if a specified buyoff does not exist for a unit when it is scanned.


  • Now Unit Information window shows buyoffs that apply to unit buy haven't yet been set or cleared.
  • Now component list in Unit Information window shows all components that apply to unit, even if they've never been scanned. - 2011-03-08


  • Now can configure which buyoffs are associated with which defects. When defects are added, associated buyoffs are cleared.
  • Added triggerOnFinalCheckFail setting to line workflow configuration, to allow a transition to be flagged to occur whenever a change occurs to a unit that causes it to no longer pass final check. This can be used to automatically transition a unit from a "warehoused" state to another state when final check will fail.
  • Misc. admin manual updates.


  • Darkened red "bad" color slightly to make more red and less salmon.
  • Fixed bug where information in transitions list wasn't showing on automated UI.
  • The "serial:" label is no longer visible for component types that don't scan serial numbers.
  • Buyoff buttons now become green when buyoff is set.
  • Fixed crash when trying to add a custom first-level defect or repair.
  • Fixed bug where clicking the buyoff button for buyoffs that have never been set for a unit would try to clear the buyoff initially.
  • Added "Info" button to display complete history of current unit.
  • Now when a defect is added, the defect selector is navigated back to the top of the hierarchy. - 2011-03-03


  • Now can add defects and repairs at workstations. - 2011-02-28


  • Now can configure defect/repair lists for workstations.
  • Component verification no longer uses defects and repairs to indicate the status of component verification problems. The related line configuration settings (defectGroup, wrongPartDefect, wrongPartRepair, missingSerialDefect, missingSerialRepair, noScanDefect, noScanRepair) are now ignored if they exist.


  • Improved performance of unit scans.


  • Now buyoffs aren't shown if none are configured for the station.
  • Fixed problem where Configure Server Connection wizard would crash.
  • Fixed problem where when unit is released, the buy off buttons continued to reflect the last unit's data. Now they clear. - 2011-01-09


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Now all Acuit Pinpoint components require .NET Framework 4.0.
  • Now can configure buyoff buttons for workstations.
  • Corrected inconsistent "buyoff" text and added missing Spanish translation.
  • Now bootstrapper prerequisites (e.g., .NET Framework) are not included on the setup disc; the bootstrapper will install them from the Microsoft web site if necessary.
  • Minor fixes to admin manual.


  • Changed communication parameters to allow larger production schedules to be uploaded.
  • Fixed potential internal error when uploading production schedule while units from that schedule are being scanned on the line.
  • Removed support for using Authorization Manager to control access to individual Pinpoint Server service methods. - 2010-05-09

  • Fixed bug in wildcard pattern matcher (used by plug-ins) that would cause patterns like ALT1|ALT2 to improperly match ALT1plusmore.
  • Fixed bug where sometimes more than 100 units are returned by the search results, and the total count would only reflect the count found in the last database searched. - 2010-05-08

  • Added View section to Pinpoint Web, with unit search and history view.
  • Restructured Admin web pages layout (added submenu).
  • Added "Databases" tab to Acuit Pinpoint Web Admin section, that lists currently-configured databases, their status, and what lines they contain, and allows databases to be added or removed.
  • Increased timeout for Pinpoint Web operations from 1 minute to 10 minutes.
  • Added warning to "please wait..." message about potentially taking many minutes when uploading schedules via Pinpoint Web.
  • Now when an error occurs retrieving the lines list from the server, the error is shown on the users web page.
  • Now all program settings are saved to [CommonApplicationData]\Acuit Pinpoint\[ProgramName]\settings.config files and will be retained after installing a new version.
  • The Acuit Pinpoint Workstation server connection can now be updated via a non-administrator user account.
  • Now Acuit Pinpoint Workstation local hardware settings (i.e., configuration for bar code scanners and light stacks) apply to all users on that computer.
  • Added commented-out code to CONFIG files to make it easier to configure WCF to not authenticate intranet connections.
  • Now the initializeData attribute in the plugIn configuration XML element is optional. If it doesn't exist, null will be passed in to the plug-in constructor.
  • Added <property> elements under <plugIn> configuration element that allows initializing any number of individual properties when loading the plug-in.
  • Now if a plug-in is configured with a initializeData value, but the plug-in class doesn't have a constructor that takes a string parameter, an error will be generated.
  • Added model number alias to information passed to server plug-ins when a unit is scanned.
  • Now unexpected errors in Acuit Pinpoint Workstation and in Acuit Pinpoint Server Console are saved to [CommonApplicationData]\Acuit Pinpoint\[AssemblyName]\Errors.txt instead of [CommonApplicationData]\Acuit Pinpoint\[AssemblyName]_Errors.txt.
  • Now the Acuit Pinpoint Server service is started by the Acuit Pinpoint Server installer.
  • Now installs copies of application config files (with .original extension) to make it easier to manage application configuration file customizations.
  • Added Windows Server 2008 IIS installation instructions to Administration Manual. - 2010-03-27

  • Added link to Pinpoint Administration Manual to About page in Acuit Pinpoint Web.
  • Made the line configuration area in Pinpoint Web fill up the page, and made it resizable.
  • Added Acuit Pinpoint Server service status to Acuit Pinpoint Server Console, along with buttons to start, stop, and restart the service.
  • Acuit Pinpoint Server Console now requires administrative access to run.
  • Removed line configuration from Acuit Pinpoint Server Console. Now it is only used to manage the Acuit Pinpoint Server service.
  • Now when determining what buyoffs apply to a model number, the model number alias is used.
  • Now model number aliases are used when doing component verification. - 2010-03-10

  • Added database schema version log to database, and established current database schema version as 5.6.
  • Now Pinpoint will check the database schema version before using the database, and will generate an error if the schema is not supported.
  • Now subassembly scanning only prompts for subassembly scan once, then cycles through subassembly components repeatedly. A "New Subassembly" button was added to initiate a new subassembly scan.
  • Added counter to subassembly scan screen that indicates the number of subassemblies checked for the current run (i.e., since the subassembly model was scanned). - 2010-03-09

  • Removed support for the <international> section in configuration files. Now the preferred language is always set via a selection within each client application.
  • Now the user interface language for Acuit Pinpoint Workstation and Acuit Pinpoint Server Console is selected via a Tools, Language menu selection and is maintained as a per-user setting.
  • Added ModelAliases table to database, and added support for populating it during production schedule uploads. (Doesn't yet use model number aliases during runtime.) - 2010-03-07

  • Fixed problem where Component Verification Tester in Acuit Pinpoint Web wouldn't populate components list properly when a line is selected.
  • Fixed problem where large schedule uploads wouldn't work.
  • Fixed problem in production schedule uploader that where a data access exception would occur if the schedule file contains multiple occurances of the same serial number.
  • Added some missing "Back to ..." and "Cancel" links to the bottom of various Acuit Pinpoint Web pages.
  • Miscellaneous user interface and performance improvements to Acuit Pinpoint Web.
  • Now when uploading production schedule in Pinpoint Web, submit button is disabled and a "please wait" message is displayed to prevent multiple button clicks.
  • Added some missing Spanish message translations.
  • Now the language doesn't have to be configured in Acuit Pinpoint Server; it will use whatever language requested by the client (e.g., Acuit Pinpoint Workstation, Acuit Pinpoint Web), as long as the client program is version 5.0.179 or later.
  • Now (?i), $, ^, \A, and \Z regular expression tags are stripped from the component test scan lookup table results. - 2010-02-25

  • Now Acuit Pinpoint Web supports both English and Spanish, and it will use whichever one the browser is set to use, if possible. A link is on each page that allows the language to be manually selected.
  • Fixed problem where admin users couldn't access the maintenance tab in Acuit Pinpoint Web when no lines are configured or Pinpoint Server is down.
  • Renamed "Component Scan Tester" web tool to "Component Verification Tester" and improved the web form.
  • Now Pinpoint Server installer adds shortcut to Pinpoint Web to start menu.
  • Improved security section in admin manual. - 2010-02-23

  • Updated Acuit Pinpoint Web with new look.
  • Now Acuit Pinpoint Web user security groups can be configured.
  • Added Component Scan Tester tool to Acuit Pinpoint Web.
  • Now uploading production schedules is done from a page on Acuit Pinpoint Web instead of from a downloaded ClickOnce application. - 2010-02-13

  • Added Acuit Pinpoint Utilities, with ability to upload production schedules, accessible from Acuit Pinpoint Web.
  • Now Acuit Pinpoint Workstation and Acuit Pinpoint Server Console require Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, and the installers now install it if necessary.
  • Changed names in sample database connection string in Acuit Pinpoint Server configuration file.
  • Added some missing Spanish translations.
  • Now Acuit Pinpoint Server Console remembers its main window position between sessions.
  • Now Acuit Pinpoint Workstation and Acuit Pinpoint Server Console log unexpected error details to text files in the local application data folder instead of the Windows application event log (to help eliminate requirement that Acuit Pinpoint applications require elevated privileges to install). - 2010-01-10

  • Added support for "Subassembly Scan" stations, that allow performing component verification on subassemblies. - 2009-10-14

  • Miscellaneous fixes to installers.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Rescan" button would appear after an invalid unit bar code scan, and clicking it would cause a crash.
  • Fixed problem where components that aren't applicable to scanned unit aren't disabled or grayed out. Clicking Rescan for such components would cause a crash.
  • Removed strong-name signing from all Pinpoint assemblies. This will fix the problem where plug-ins have to be recompiled for each new Pinpoint release.
  • Added support for workstation alerts (i.e., alert when unit is rescanned). - 2009-08-31

  • Upgraded to Enterprise Library 4.1 - October 2008.
  • Expanded description for "allowCreateNewUnitRecords" setting in admin manual.
  • Fixed bug where the first time a component is scanned, it leaves the Defects table with multiple top-level "KCV" defect rows.
  • Fixed some other potential bugs that could result in multiple records in the "name" tables (e.g., States, Transitions, Stations, StationTypes) with the same name.
  • Fixed case error, updated copyright year in admin manual.
  • Added unitSerialNumPattern setting to <componentType> configuration to allow controlling to what units a component type applies via the unit's serial number. - 2008-12-17

  • Improved some Spanish translation text.
  • Added Spanish language resources to Acuit Pinpoint Server Console.
  • Now checks for multiple lines using the same name, and throws an appropriate exception with details about the problem to enable an admin to fix the problem. - 2008-08-09

  • Fixed problem in database where component serial column didn't allow NULL (but that's what we prefer to be stored when a component is configured for no serial number scans).
  • Minor updates to Local Hardware configuration dialog.
  • Added Spanish language resources to Acuit Pinpoint Server and Acuit Pinpoint Workstation.
  • Fixed unexpected server exception when scanning a component with no serial number.
  • Now data for multiple lines can be stored in one database.
  • Moved line configuration out of Acuit.Pinpoint.Server.exe.config and into the Pinpoint database (Lines table).
  • Fixed bug where production statistics after a unit scan didn't reflect the unit that was just scanned. - 2008-06-08

  • Removed "Release Notes.txt" from CD image.
  • Minor updates to Configure Server Connection wizard UI.
  • Added information about configuring to not require authentication from workstations to the server to the administrator's manual.
  • Added "Acuit Pinpoint Server Console" application to allow configuring Pinpoint Server without needing to install Pinpoint Web.
  • Added commented-out sample binding to Server Console config file to demonstrate connecting to a different Pinpoint Server.
  • Added support for buy-offs to Pinpoint Server. - 2008-02-29

  • Changed component good, bad sound priorities so that they can interrupt each other.
  • Now when a component verification comes back invalid, connected light stacks will show red. As long as one or more components are invalid for the active unit, the light will be red.
  • Added Workers table to database, and now manned workstations require worker log on.
  • Added "Log Off" button to allow a logged-on operator to log off.
  • Fixed bug where buttons on scan dialog weren't being disabled while processing the unit scan.
  • Now letters manually typed into keypad are forced to upper case.
  • Added "autoLogOnWorkerId" station setting to automatically log worker on to station (now workers are logged into all stations, even automated).
  • Now when event occurs between shifts, it will be logged to the shift most recently ended instead of the closest shift.
  • Added WorkerStations table to database, and now recording worker logon/logoffs.
  • Added example settings to configure WCF logging for both TestServer and Workstation.
  • Now component scans are saved to the database during "verification" server call instead of when "unit released" server call.
  • Now database contains a record of each time a component is scanned, even while unit is at the same station.
  • Added the date/time of the component scan to the database.
  • On the workstation's "unit at station" screen, replaced Save and Cancel buttons with a single "Release Unit" button.
  • Renamed ShiftNum database column to ShiftNumber.
  • In Workers database table, renamed BadgeNum to BadgeNumber, renamed Active to IsActive, and removed Privs column.
  • In Units database table, renamed ModelNum to ModelNumber and SerialNum to SerialNumber.
  • In the UnitComponents database table, renamed ComponentModelNum to ModelNumber, ComponentSerialNum to SerialNumber, ComponentAlternate to IsAlternate, Valid to IsValid, and Installed to IsInstalled.
  • Added support for defects and repairs to the server, and now component verification adds and removes KCV defect/repairs as necessary.
  • Now "finalCheck" stations alarm when a unit has unrepaired defects.
  • Fixed bug where workstation alarms that show workflow errors from a unit scan when only the serial number was scanned don't show the model number in the alarm message. - 2008-02-07

  • Fixed new bug where if finalCheck is configured for a station, but component verification is not being used on the line, a NullReferenceException will occur on the server when a unit it scanned.
  • Upgraded Pinpoint Server, Pinpoint Web, and Pinpoint Workstation to all target .NET 3.5.
  • Fixed problem where Team Build builds done on Vista machines ended up referencing Microsoft.Interop.Security.AzRoles.dll version instead of
  • Updated admin manual to list .NET 3.5 as a system requirement instead of 3.0.
  • Fixed admin manual: missing <barCode> under <line> in XML reference.
  • Updated installer build conditions to require .NET Framework 3.5 (instead of 3.0).
  • Fixed problem where if VerifyComponent service call fails, workstation workflow gets messed up (it asked for component model num scan, but then didn't ask for serial). Now it resets the component scan status for the component that was just scanned.
  • Fixed problem where if UnitRelease service call is failing, Pinpoint Workstation will be stuck in the "unit at station" state, with no way to exit the state or close the program.
  • In Pinpoint Workstation, added unhandled exception handlers for Windows Forms UI thread and non-UI threads to make sure all unhandled exceptions get logged to the event log.
  • Now component verification will verify that a component has a serial number if one is supposed to be scanned (and "part invalid" message that appears on workstation screen now specifies whether model or serial is invalid).
  • Changed Acuit.Pinpoint.Server.Services project to be a WCF Service Library project, and changed service reference in Workstation project to the VS2008 new-style reference, which eliminate the need for my custom batch file to update references.
  • Changed keyboard wedge bar code scanner keystroke intercept code so that all characters of the bar code are intercepted, fixing problem where the last suffix character was getting passed through to the focused control. (Also simplified the code.)
  • Now when a sound file referenced by the line configuration can't be read, the server continues to function (before, it would crash, and workstations could not run).
  • Added ComponentGood and ComponentBad sounds that play after a component verification.
  • Component verification changes: No longer generates alarm on bad component; just shows reason for bad component next to component information, and colors component line red or green once it's scanned.
  • Now when a component is skipped, the ComponentBad sound is played and a specific invalid reason is shown.
  • Now when a good component is scanned, connected light stacks will show green for a few seconds.
  • Added autoScanSerialNumberOnly setting to line configuration to allow configuring an automated station type to not scan model numbers. - 2008-01-31

  • Fixed Acuit Server crash when trying to handle exception due to wrong Enterprise Library assembly version references.
  • Upgraded to Enterprise Library 3.1 - May 2007.
  • Removed "vital" from installer files so the customer can choose to ignore if the installer can't install a file for some reason.
  • Now installers will perform automatic upgrades; retaining configuration file customizations made by users.
  • Moved server address setting from WCF section to pinpoint.workstation section.
  • Changed included .NET prerequisite to .NET 3.5 to avoid this problem with .NET 3.0 bootstrapper prerequisite:
    warning MSB3165: The value of the 'PublicKey' attribute in '.NET Framework 3.0 (x86)' does not match that of file 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Bootstrapper\Packages\DotNetFX30\EnableDotNet3.exe'.
  • Added "Valid" column to UnitComponents table in database that indicates whether a component scan was good or bad.
  • Added "finalCheck" station type setting that causes unit scans to check that all components are scanned and valid for a unit. - 2007-04-28

  • Combined AutoBoxout and AutoWorkstation into one new project called Workstation to handle all workstation types.
  • Added XML schema for line configuration XML. Now the schema namespace must be specified in the line configuration XML. The line configuration XML is validated from the line configuration web page, and a detailed error message will be shown if it is not valid XML or it violates the schema.
  • In Pinpoint Server Connection Wizard, changed sample Pinpoint Server URL to match the default virtual directory name given by the Pinpoint Server installer.
  • Fixed problem where production count percentages show NaN when there are zero so far. Now percentages aren't shown at all when zero units have been scanned.
  • Added settings to line configuration XML schema for configuring KCV defect codes.
  • Added setting to line configuration XML schema for configuring automated stations.
  • Added admin manual, which replaces the old server installation guide document.
  • Now Pinpoint services are WCF services hosted by a custom Windows service. The web site is now a separate application that uses WCF to connect to Pinpoint Server.
  • Now uses Windows Authorization Manager for user authorization at Pinpoint Server (if so configured).
  • Eliminated server settings database; now server settings are stored in Pinpoint Server config file.
  • Lines web page no longer allows updating the lines; it's now a menu for selecting a line to configure. The line configuration page no longer has a line selector.
  • Now Workstation server connection configuration is stored in WCF config section, not application setting.
  • Configuring Workstation server connection now requires an admin user.
  • Now no longer publishes during build.
  • Added Pinpoint Web to Pinpoint Server Setup.
  • Fixed problem where when no lines were configured, message referenced clicking the "New Item" button.
  • Now Pinpoint Server installer registers event source and installs a messages file so that errors will be logged properly to the event log.
  • Changed authorization manager operations to mirror service methods.
  • Created VBScript that gets installed with Pinpoint Server that will create a default Pinpoint application structure inside an AzMan store.
  • Created custom configuration section for workstation settings, instead of using per-user settings facility.
  • Removed default settings from workstation now (for now, until we again need per-user settings).
  • Added setup program for Workstation.
  • Now read station "automated" setting and pass to workstation as part of station settings.
  • Converted Workstation to use WPF.
  • Deleting Acuit.Pinpoint.Common project, which was previously removed from solution.
  • Fixed problem caused by recent checkin, that caused LocalHardware settings reading to fail due to multiple code analysis suppressions.
  • Added reference to event log entries made when unhandled exceptions occur in Workstation.
  • Fixed problem where some WPF designer DLL's were being copied to the bin folder during a Workstation build due to a bug in the WPF Visual Studio extensions that marked a DLL "CopyLocal=True" when it shouldn't have been.
  • Now "last unit scanned" and "production info" will only be displayed when the workstation type is "automated".
  • Added start of manned workstation user interface, with "scan unit" display that allows serial/model numbers to be manually scanned.
  • Removed unnecessary NewAlarm and ClearAlarm events from AlarmsManager since watching IsAlarmActive property does the same thing.
  • Now a sound is played upon an invalid bar code scan at a manned workstation.
  • Made sound name search case-insensitive.
  • Changed line configuration XML schema so that station type settings are separate from line settings, and moved as many settings as possible from line to station type.
  • Now server reads allowCreateNewUnitRecords setting and sends it to workstation in settings message.
  • Now manned workstation can simply scan unit serial number when unit record already exists.
  • Now business logic enforces that new unit records aren't allowed to be created if allowCreateNewUnitRecords is set to False for station type. Manned workstation does not prompt for model number (and won't even allow them to be scanned) when allowCreateNewUnitRecords is set to False.
  • Fixed bug just checked in that caused automated workstation to ignore model number scans if allowCreateNewUnitRecords was set to False.
  • Fixed bug where playing sounds would sometimes be garbled/corrupted.
  • Now workstation processing is explicitly stopped when the app is exiting.
  • Now while unit scan is being processed, it doesn't lock up the user interface.
  • Fixed problem where an unhandled exception that occurs when no "Application" object is current would prevent the error message to be shown to the user.
  • Moved "DoEvents" processing while waiting for workstation to stop from Workstation class to MainWindow, so Workstation isn't messing with UI thread stuff.
  • Now workstation UI displays and is not locked up while workstation is starting.
  • Fixed problem where communication error exceptions were being masked by subsequent failed communication channel close errors.
  • Added "workstation stopped" UI display that provides guidance about how to resolve the problem and provides a way to try to start the workstation again (without going through server configuration).
  • Added some padding between the border and text of the workstation status text display (making it consistent with alarm text display).
  • Now dialog boxes automatically give their first focusable control focus (to fix problem where about box came up without the OK button having focus).
  • Made system requirements section in admin manual clearer.
  • Now when in manned mode, "waiting for unit scan" mode will only accept serial/model number scans once, and will complain about an invalid scan if the wrong type is scanned, depending on what it is prompting for.
  • Fixed ClearAlarm command so that the command target reports back whether it can execute, rather than requiring that command sources figure it out for themselves.
  • Fixed inaccurate parameter names (target should have been sender for routed command handlers).
  • Now Ctrl+Q can be used to acknowledge alarms.
  • Applied minimum height to workstation status and alarm message bordered text blocks so that when two-line test appears (which happens often) it doesn't slightly enlarge the boxes, slightly adjusting the display.
  • Added "Type" dialog to allow entering unit model or serial numbers via the touchscreen or keyboard.
  • Add unitSerialNumberScanPattern and unitModelNumberScanPattern settings to line configuration (rather than hardcoding in workstation).
  • Added unit interface display to manned UI.
  • Added "#" to "Model" and "Serial" labels on automated UI to be consistent with manned UI.
  • Now manned workstation won't play "good" sound and flash green light when a unit is scanned.
  • For manned workstations: Now go to "unit at station" state when a good unit scan occurs, the scan window stays up while the unit scan is being processed, and when a unit scan error occurs a message box displays the error instead of the alarm manager.
  • Added UnitReleased service method.
  • Added onUnitRelease to station type configuration to allow workflow transitions to be configured for when units leave a station.
  • Added ErrorMessage to returned status from UnitReleased service method to allow unit workflow errors to be returned to workstation.
  • Now UnitScanned status returned contains a collection of unit workflow errors.
  • Fixed problem where after unit workflow error(s) occur upon unit scan, workstation would reset its state to start waiting for a new unit even though server records the unit is at the station.
  • Added Save, Cancel buttons to unit interface for manned workstations.
  • Now doesn't include "Model/Serial" prefix in unit status and manned workstation message box text since they aren't needed since the serial and model context is already displayed (only include in alarm manager alarms).
  • Now when get bar code scan while unit is at station, the unit will be automatically released and the next unit will begin to be processed.
  • When Pinpoint closes with unit at station, the unit is automatically released first.
  • Fixed problem where keyboard wedge bar code scans would not be processed after a non-WPF window was dismissed when the last WPF to have focus was disabled or hidden (resulting in no WPF window having keyboard focus).
  • Now can configure KCV in the line configuration.
  • Renamed <add> elements in line config XML to <plugIn>, <sound> to be consistent with rest of schema.
  • Integrated release version of Enterprise Library 3.0.
  • Implemented reading of component verification configuration from line configuration XML, and passes station-related component verification to workstations as part of station settings.
  • Now Pinpoint Server reads component parts list from external data query if so configured.
  • Implemented data storage, data access, and business logic for unit components.
  • Now key pad window OK button acts like Cancel when no number has been typed.
  • Now workstation prompts for component scans as appropriate. It calls "VerifyComponent" server method, but doesn't actually verify or save component numbers.
  • Fixed bug where characters inside of keyboard wedge bar code scans could trigger controls via their access keys (e.g., a serial number scan could execute the "Start Workstation" command).
  • Handled situation where app is closed while waiting for component scan by refactoring workstation workflow states.
  • Fixed bug where unit scan prompt was invalid after an error.
  • Fixed bug: When Workstation failed due to server not configured, status kept showing "Workstation initializing...".
  • Fixed problem: Two-line messages cause boxes to grow (status, alarm) on Vista.
  • When component is entered, add it to the unit record (in workstation memory).
  • When unit is released and changes committed, save unit components.
  • Temporarily suppressed code analysis warnings so can perform release build.
  • Return unit components with UnitScannedStatus.Unit.
  • Now Displays unit components on screen (when unit initially scanned, and update when component scanned).
  • Actually verify component and return status.
  • Temporary KCV solution: If get "bad" back, alarm and show "INVALID" next to component; if component skipped, and didn't previously have scan, alarm and show "INVALID" next to component.
  • Made rescan component work.
  • Temporarily rearranged unit interface. - 2006-08-09

  • First release of version 5.