Table of Contents

<stationType> Element

This element defines one station type for the line.

Parent Elements

derivedStationTypes, stationTypes


Name Type Description Required
allowCreateNewUnitRecords boolean Whether a unit record is allowed to be created if it does not already exist. If this setting exists, it overrides any inherited setting value. Otherwise, the setting value will be inherited from the parent station type. Note: When autoScanSerialNumberOnly is true, it takes precedence over this setting and creating unit records is not allowed. No (defaults to true)
autoLogOnBadgeNumber string The worker badge number to be used to automatically log on to this workstation. If this is set to empty (""), then automatic logon will not occur, and the station will require a worker to log on, even at automated stations. If this setting exists, it overrides any inherited setting value. Otherwise, the setting value will be inherited from the parent station type. If no ascendant station type sets this setting, the setting will default to empty. No
automated boolean Whether this station is automated (i.e., is not manned). This only applies to serialized stations (i.e., serialized is true). If this setting exists, it overrides any inherited setting value. Otherwise, the setting value will be inherited from the parent station type. See the remarks below for more information. No (defaults to false)
autoRelease boolean Whether this station will automatically release a unit after the last component is scanned. If this setting exists, it overrides any inherited setting value. Otherwise, the setting value will be inherited from the parent station type. This is only used by the default "UnitLoaded" workflow event handler. No (defaults to false)
autoScanSerialNumberOnly boolean When applied to an automated station, whether the station only scans serial numbers, and never model numbers. Normally, automated stations require both a serial number and a model number to be scanned before the unit is processed. When this is true, only the serial number is scanned. When this is true, it takes precedence over allowCreateNewUnitRecords and creating unit records is not allowed. This setting is ignored for manned stations. If this setting exists, it overrides any inherited setting value. Otherwise, the setting value will be inherited from the parent station type. No (defaults to false)
finalCheck boolean Whether this station should perform the final checks on a unit. The last station on the assembly line should perform this check, which does the following: (1) ensure that there are no unrepaired defects, (2) ensure that all required buyoffs have been set, (3) ensure that all components were verified and are valid, and (4) ensure that all tests were performed and passed. For manned stations (i.e., automated is false), this check occurs when the unit is released, not when it is scanned. No (defaults to false)
linkedLines string A list of one or more line names, separated by commas, that specify other lines from which to attempt to attempt to look up units upon unit scans when the unit cannot be found in this line's database. This setting allows a single workstation to allow units from multiple databases to be scanned. When this setting exists, when a unit is scanned and is not found within this line's database, each line in this list is checked in turn, to see if the unit exists in that line's database. If the unit is found in another database, then this workstation will be restarted with a connection to that line, using the current same station type, station name, and worker badge number (which means these must all exist in that line's configuration and worker list), and the unit will then be scanned. From that point on, this station will act as a member of that line, using that line's station configuration. All linked lines should be configured with reciprocal linkedLines settings so that units can continue to be scanned from any of the linked line databases. If the unit was not found, then business logic proceeds as normal for this line. Note that this setting is not required to allow units to be scanned that were created on a different line, but within the same database. When multiple lines exist within the same database, only one line from each database should be listed here (listing multiple lines from the same database will only slow down the lookup). No
name string The name of this station type. If specified, it should be unique. If not specified, this station type will participate in the inheritance of configuration settings, but will not exist in the list of available station types when configuring workstations. No
noScan boolean Whether this station is a "no scan" station, which does not scan units or subassemblies. These stations are normally used with custom Pinpoint Workstation plug-ins. No (defaults to false)
preassemblyStationComponentType string Stations that are used to scan "preassemblies", which are temporary units used to track components and other production history before they are integrated into the main serialized unit, should set this to a component type name that best represents the preassembly. Production data generated at all preassembly stations with this same setting will be tracked together; at least one of those preassembly stations must be set to scan this component type. No
scanAutoReleasesUnit boolean Whether a new bar code scan will automatically release an active unit. This only applies to manned stations. If this is false, the worker must click the "Release Unit" button before scanning the next unit. If this is true, the worker can scan the next unit without first clicking "Release Unit". If this setting exists, it overrides any inherited setting value. Otherwise, the setting value will be inherited from the parent station type. No (defaults to true)
serialized boolean Whether this station should track serialized units. If this is false, the station will not prompt for unit serial numbers, and information about scans will not be saved to the historical database. If this setting exists, it overrides any inherited setting value. Otherwise, the setting value will be inherited from the parent station type. No (defaults to true)
showOff boolean Whether to show the "Off" button, which closes Pinpoint Workstation and shuts down the computer. No (defaults to true)
showUnitModelProductionQueue boolean Whether to show the unit model production queue, which is used by preassembly stations that create new preassemblies (i.e., preassemblyStationComponentType is set and allowCreateNewUnitRecords is true) to specify the unit model number used to verify components. Note that this feature requires the optional "Message Queuing" Windows feature to be turned on. Depending on the Windows version, it might also be called "Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) Server". No (defaults to false)
unitMaintenance boolean Whether this is a unit maintenance station. Unit maintenance stations show components and preassemblies configured for the line, allowing any of them to be rescanned or removed, and show buyoffs configured for the line, allowing them to be set or cleared. When this is true, components and buyoffs specified by the <componentVerification> and <buyOffs> child elements will be listed first by Acuit Pinpoint Workstation. If unitMaintenanceSequenceRange is set, then it defines which components and buyoffs to include; otherwise, all components and buyoffs will be included. No (defaults to false)
unitMaintenanceSequenceRange sequence range Defines the sequence range for this unit maintenance station. Only components and buyoffs with a sequence number that matches this range will be shown. If this is set, then it implies true for unitMaintenance. No
unitModelNumber string Specifies the unit model number to use for this station. When this is set, the unit model number will be automatically filled in with this value when needed. One use for this is for a preassembly station that performs a test or some other function when a particular unit model number is not necessary. No
workflowErrorsAbortUnitScan boolean Whether workflow errors upon a unit scan aborts the process at the station. This only applies to manned stations. If this is true, when a unit is scanned, if there are any workflow errors (e.g., sequence errors or errors from plug-ins), the unit is released without prompting for any unit scans or allowing the operator to interact with the unit (e.g., to add defects or set buyoffs). No (defaults to false)

Child Elements

Name Description Required
authorization Defines authorization settings for the station type. The Close permission type is applicable, along with custom permission types for use by plug-ins. See <authorization> Element for details about how these settings are inherited by derived station types. No
barCodes Contains unit bar code definitions that override the defaults for the line. These settings are inherited by derived station types. When this element is specified, it replaces all previous settings (i.e., individual settings are not inherited). No
buyOffs Contains buyoff settings for this station type. This element should exist if stations of this type should allow operators to performing buyoffs of units. These settings are inherited by derived station types. No
componentVerification Contains component verification settings for this station type. This element should exist only if the station type should perform component verification. These settings are inherited by derived station types. No
defects Defines which defects from the master defect hierarchy should be presented at stations of this type from which the operator can choose. This element must exist for defect entry to be enabled. These settings are inherited by derived station types. No
derivedStationTypes Defines station types that should derive their configuration settings from this station type. No
referenceContent Defines reference content that can be viewed from stations of this type. These settings are inherited by derived station types. No
lightStack Defines light stack settings for this station type. These settings are inherited by derived station types. No
onUnitRelease Defines what happens when a unit is released from a station. These settings are inherited by derived station types. No
onUnitScan Defines what happens when a unit is scanned by a station. These settings are inherited by derived station types. No
settings Defines key/value configuration settings for the station type. Settings are inherited by derived station types. No
sounds Defines custom sounds to be used for various events at the workstation. Sounds defined for this station type will be inherited by derived station types. A sound with a particular name will override any sound defined by ascendant station types with the same name. No


When automated is true, the station will operate as follows:

  • The station will not hold units. When a unit is scanned, the station will perform its configured tasks and then immediately release the unit.
  • Dialog boxes and message boxes will not be displayed, since they would stop normal operation of the station until an operator acknowledges them. Instead, alerts will be raised as alarms at the station.
  • The station display will show information about the unit that was last scanned at the station, along with the following production statistics for the current shift for this line:
    • Total scanned: The number of unique units that have been scanned at any station that performs a final unit check (i.e., at box-out stations).
    • Produced: The number of units that have been transitioned to the "produced" state.
    • Faults: The difference between Total scanned and Produced.